These are the words entering my mind right now. This past year of school and work has completely trampled down my creativity. No photography for a year! No art! Nothing. I feel like I've lost the touch...and it seems impossible to get it back! But starting today I will begin again, even if it means TERRIBLE work at first. My brain has muscle memory, I KNOW it, and I'll MAKE it kick back into action! Here we go, day one starts tomorrow, 7/25/2011. A piece of artwork a day. Whether a picture, and sketch, a idea. Here goes. Wish me luck!
I can't STAND this blank white page. I have to put something here.

What's better than a blanket, a fire, some food, a huge starry sky and your best friends? Almost nothing, although having it captured on film makes it a little better. And if by film you think a crappy cell phone camera, then you're right. But I'm happy with almost reaches Polaroid status with the grain and faded colors.